Sunday, October 15, 2017


This week is going to be a bit of a recovery week strength wise. We spent the last 5 weeks hitting our strength cycle pretty damn hard - and I like to think it certainly paid off! We had several PRs (the data on those will be coming soon) and some of them were HUGE! However, as much as working hard and setting PRs is, we have to give our bodies a chance to rest and recover so that we can continue to build.

So, while we're taking a step back on the strength movements, the WODs are going to continue to be constantly varied, and appropriately intense!

Alas - tomorrow's programming:

A) Box Squat
- 10 x 3 @ 50%
*there should be no more than 1 min of rest between these sets*

How to box squat:

B) MOFO 10
- :30 hand stand hold
- :30 Hollow rocks


-10 Burpee box overs
-5 squat snatches (115/75)

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