A) Front Squats
6 Rep max
B) 3 sets of:
- 12 Single leg k bell Deadlifts (each leg)
- 12 Cossack squats (each leg)
- 6 K bell OHS (each arm)
C) Conditioning:
- 2 legless rope climbs from seated on ground
- 10/8 cals assault bike
- 8 DB squat clean & jerk (45/30)
- 8 k bell OH lunges each leg (53/35)
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
A) Bench Press
5 x 4 @ 75%
B) Prowler push & drag
Accumulate 500ft HAP
C) Conditioning
21 - 15 - 9
- Power snatch (95/65)
42 - 30 - 18
- HR Push ups
5 x 4 @ 75%
B) Prowler push & drag
Accumulate 500ft HAP
C) Conditioning
21 - 15 - 9
- Power snatch (95/65)
42 - 30 - 18
- HR Push ups
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
A) Deadlifts
5 x 4 @ 75%
B) Abdominals
- Bicycle kicks
- hollow rocks
- v ups
C) Conditioning
- 6 Hang Squat clean thruster (115/75)
- 9 T2B
- 12 Box Jumps
5 x 4 @ 75%
B) Abdominals
- Bicycle kicks
- hollow rocks
- v ups
C) Conditioning
- 6 Hang Squat clean thruster (115/75)
- 9 T2B
- 12 Box Jumps
Monday, August 27, 2018
A) Floor Press
5 x 4 @ 75%
B) Weightlifting
"Prison Rules"
- 1 Power snatch + 1 snatch (95/65)
C) Conditioning
Chipper (15 min cap)
- 100 Air Squats
- 90 American Swings (53/35)
- 80 Front rack goblet lunges
- 70 Double Unders
- 60 Sit ups
- 50 Burpees
5 x 4 @ 75%
B) Weightlifting
"Prison Rules"
- 1 Power snatch + 1 snatch (95/65)
C) Conditioning
Chipper (15 min cap)
- 100 Air Squats
- 90 American Swings (53/35)
- 80 Front rack goblet lunges
- 70 Double Unders
- 60 Sit ups
- 50 Burpees
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Never miss a Monday
A) Back Squat
5 x 4 @ 75%
B) 3 supersets of:
- 100ft single hang drags (HAP)
- 20 DB push ups
C) Conditioning
21 - 15 - 9
- Deadlifts (225/155)
*6 min time cap*
REST 2 MIN, then:
21 - 15 - 9
- wall balls
- Power Cleans (95/65)
*6 min time cap
5 x 4 @ 75%
B) 3 supersets of:
- 100ft single hang drags (HAP)
- 20 DB push ups
C) Conditioning
21 - 15 - 9
- Deadlifts (225/155)
*6 min time cap*
REST 2 MIN, then:
21 - 15 - 9
- wall balls
- Power Cleans (95/65)
*6 min time cap
Sunday Funday
Buy In:
- 10 curb & back sprints
Then 3 rounds of:
- 20 body blaster (Burpee, pull up, t2b)
- 20 Renegade manmakers (60/40)
- 200ft walking lunges
- 50 Power Snatches (75/55)
Buy In:
- 10 curb & back sprints
Then 3 rounds of:
- 20 body blaster (Burpee, pull up, t2b)
- 20 Renegade manmakers (60/40)
- 200ft walking lunges
- 50 Power Snatches (75/55)
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Sunday StayFit
A) EMOM 15
- 4 Jingle Jangles
- 4 Burpees/ 10 Push ups/ 10 sit ups/ 10 American Swings/ 4 candlesticks
-25 Burpees
- 300m run
- 25 Box Jumps
- 300m run
- 25 Push Press
- 300m run
- 25 wall balls
- 4 Jingle Jangles
- 4 Burpees/ 10 Push ups/ 10 sit ups/ 10 American Swings/ 4 candlesticks
-25 Burpees
- 300m run
- 25 Box Jumps
- 300m run
- 25 Push Press
- 300m run
- 25 wall balls
Partner WOD
Min 0 - 10
- 15 Wall Balls
- 9 Box jump over
- 4 power cleans (155/105)
Min 10- 22
- 25 Pull Ups
- 40 Thrusters (95/65)
- 60 T2B
- 40 Thrusters (95/65)
- 25 pull ups
(Split work however)
Min 22 - 30
- 3 Deadlifts
- 2 Hang cleans
- 1 push jerk (95/65)
(2 Rounds each)
Thursday, August 23, 2018
A) Front Squats
8 Repetition Maximum
B) Weightlifting
High hang clean + hang clean + low hang clean
Work to heavy single for complex
C) Conditioning
- 20 Tire smashes
- 100ft Bear crawls
- 3 Wall walks
- 10 Deadlifts (225/155)
8 Repetition Maximum
B) Weightlifting
High hang clean + hang clean + low hang clean
Work to heavy single for complex
C) Conditioning
- 20 Tire smashes
- 100ft Bear crawls
- 3 Wall walks
- 10 Deadlifts (225/155)
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
A) Bench Press
5 x 5 @ 70%
B) Prowler push & Pull
Accumulate 500ft HAP
C) Conditioning
- 10 SDHP (95/65)
- 10 Thrusters
- 10 Back rack lunges
5 x 5 @ 70%
B) Prowler push & Pull
Accumulate 500ft HAP
C) Conditioning
- 10 SDHP (95/65)
- 10 Thrusters
- 10 Back rack lunges
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
A) Deadlifts
5 x 5 @ 70%
B) Abdominals
- 15 Weighted sit ups
- :30 Hollow rocks
C) Conditioning
4 Rounds for time
- 15 HSPU
- 20 Weighted pistol squats (30/20)
- 300m Run
5 x 5 @ 70%
B) Abdominals
- 15 Weighted sit ups
- :30 Hollow rocks
C) Conditioning
4 Rounds for time
- 15 HSPU
- 20 Weighted pistol squats (30/20)
- 300m Run
Monday, August 20, 2018
A) Floor Press
5 x 5 @ 70%
B) Weightlifting
High hang snatch + snatch balance + OHS
Work to heavy single, then 5 x 1 @ heavy single
C) Conditioning
- 25 Wall balls
- 50 Double Unders
- 15 DB power cleans (45/30) *Single hand. alternate hand each round
5 x 5 @ 70%
B) Weightlifting
High hang snatch + snatch balance + OHS
Work to heavy single, then 5 x 1 @ heavy single
C) Conditioning
- 25 Wall balls
- 50 Double Unders
- 15 DB power cleans (45/30) *Single hand. alternate hand each round
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Never miss a Monday
A) Pause back squats
5 x 5 @ 55-60%
B) Bodybuilding .
4 x 12 ring push ups
4 x 12 strict pull ups
C) Conditioning
For Time:
- 10 DB snatches (60/40)
- 10 Box Facing Burpees
- 30 DB Snatches (60/40)
- 10 Box Facing Burpees
- 50 DB Snatches (60/40)
- 10 Box Facing Burpees
5 x 5 @ 55-60%
B) Bodybuilding .
4 x 12 ring push ups
4 x 12 strict pull ups
C) Conditioning
For Time:
- 10 DB snatches (60/40)
- 10 Box Facing Burpees
- 30 DB Snatches (60/40)
- 10 Box Facing Burpees
- 50 DB Snatches (60/40)
- 10 Box Facing Burpees
Sunday Funday
- 300m run
- 30 Deadlifts (115/75)
- 30 Front Squats (115/75)
- 30 Push Jerks (115/75)
- 30 Burpees
Sunday StayFit
A) Tabata
- battle ropes
- air squats
- Box Jumps
- Russian Swings
- 300m run
- 30 Deadlifts
- 30 Wall Balls
- 30 Burpees
- battle ropes
- air squats
- Box Jumps
- Russian Swings
- 300m run
- 30 Deadlifts
- 30 Wall Balls
- 30 Burpees
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Partner WOD
2 Rounds for Time
- 50 Deadlifts (135/95)
- 50 DB hang cleans (45/30)
- 50 Push ups
- 50 clean & Jerks (135/95)
- 50 Pull Ups
- 50 American Swings (53/35)
- 50 Box Jumps
- 50 ft bear crawl (each)
- 50 knees to elbows
2 Rounds for Time
- 50 Deadlifts (135/95)
- 50 DB hang cleans (45/30)
- 50 Push ups
- 50 clean & Jerks (135/95)
- 50 Pull Ups
- 50 American Swings (53/35)
- 50 Box Jumps
- 50 ft bear crawl (each)
- 50 knees to elbows
Thursday, August 16, 2018
A) Front Squat
10 Rep max
B) Romanian Deadlifts
4 x 8 @ ~ 50% of back squat 1RM
C) Conditioning
Min 1: 10/8 cals assault bike
Min 2: 3 Rope Climbs
Min 3: 150/100 m row
Min 4: 3 Renegade man makers (45/30)
10 Rep max
B) Romanian Deadlifts
4 x 8 @ ~ 50% of back squat 1RM
C) Conditioning
Min 1: 10/8 cals assault bike
Min 2: 3 Rope Climbs
Min 3: 150/100 m row
Min 4: 3 Renegade man makers (45/30)
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
A) Bench Press
5 x 6 @ 65%
B) 3 super sets of:
- 10 Strict Pull ups
- 10 Kroc Rows (each arm, HAP)
- :60 Superman hold
C) Conditioning
Every 2 min for 5 rounds:
- 7 Thrusters
- 6 Push Press
- 5 Hang squat cleans
5 x 6 @ 65%
B) 3 super sets of:
- 10 Strict Pull ups
- 10 Kroc Rows (each arm, HAP)
- :60 Superman hold
C) Conditioning
Every 2 min for 5 rounds:
- 7 Thrusters
- 6 Push Press
- 5 Hang squat cleans
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
A) Deadlifts
5 x 6 @ 65%
B) Core Strengthening
- :30 Handstand hold
- :30 Hollow rocks
C) Conditioning:
For Time:
- 300ft Walking lunges
- 100 Push Ups
- 100 Wall ball cleans
- 300ft Walking lunges
5 x 6 @ 65%
B) Core Strengthening
- :30 Handstand hold
- :30 Hollow rocks
C) Conditioning:
For Time:
- 300ft Walking lunges
- 100 Push Ups
- 100 Wall ball cleans
- 300ft Walking lunges
Monday, August 13, 2018
A) Floor Press
5 x 6 @ 50-60%
B) 3 supersets of...
- 10 Bulgarian split squats/ leg
- 10 Cossack squats
C) Conditioning
3 Rounds for time:
- 10 Power clean and jerks (185/135)
- 300m run
5 x 6 @ 50-60%
B) 3 supersets of...
- 10 Bulgarian split squats/ leg
- 10 Cossack squats
C) Conditioning
3 Rounds for time:
- 10 Power clean and jerks (185/135)
- 300m run
New cycle spread
Length: 6 Weeks
Style: Progressive overload / Percentage based progressive overload
Core Focus: Front Squat
Special Exercise Focus: Back positions, leg strength & mobility, front rack mobility, core strength
Core lifts:
Monday - Back Squat (negative, pause, regular) 5x6, 5x5, 5x4, 5x3, 5x2, 5x1
Tuesday - Floor Press 5x6, 5x5, 5x4, 5x3, 5x2, 5x1
Wednesday - Deadlifts 5x6, 5x5, 5x4, 5x3, 5x2, Hing volume to prep for F.S.
Thursday - Bench Press 5x6, 5x5, 5x4, 5x3, 5x2, 5x1
Friday - Front Squats 10RM, 8RM...….1RM
Special Exercises:
Monday - Upper body bodybuilding w/ pushing focus (ring push ups / Strict pull ups)
Tuesday - Lower body bodybuilding (B.S.S., Cossack squats)/ light weightlifting
Wednesday - Abdominals w/ a static focus
Thursday - Upper body bodybuilding w/ pulling focus
Friday - Hinging assistance exercises (RDLs, good mornings, SLDL)
So here's my train of thought...It's been a while since I've seen a ton of progress with front squats, so I decided to try and piece together a cycle with a core focus on them. For that reason we're going to chill a bit on the back squats and do some high volume exercises to save the intensity for Friday each week (front squat day). Also, we didn't see much for bench press PRs from the last cycle, so I'm adding an extra day of them in the form of floor press. Between that and the extra pressing volume I'm hoping people can crack some milestones in the next 6 weeks.
As far as the arrangement of the strength training through the week, I moved bench press to Thursday and put the heavy front squats on Friday so that there's a day between them and Wednesday's deadlifts. Just trying to think of your back :)
Where's the Olympic lifts??
We already have back squats, deadlifts, and heavy front squats in this cycle, which can all add up to some serious tonnage totals by the end of each week...meaning they didn't make the cut for now except for light lifts on Monday's after back squats. However, that just leaves me room to add them regularly into the conditioning! So don't worry, you won't be missing snatches
Style: Progressive overload / Percentage based progressive overload
Core Focus: Front Squat
Special Exercise Focus: Back positions, leg strength & mobility, front rack mobility, core strength
Core lifts:
Monday - Back Squat (negative, pause, regular) 5x6, 5x5, 5x4, 5x3, 5x2, 5x1
Tuesday - Floor Press 5x6, 5x5, 5x4, 5x3, 5x2, 5x1
Wednesday - Deadlifts 5x6, 5x5, 5x4, 5x3, 5x2, Hing volume to prep for F.S.
Thursday - Bench Press 5x6, 5x5, 5x4, 5x3, 5x2, 5x1
Friday - Front Squats 10RM, 8RM...….1RM
Special Exercises:
Monday - Upper body bodybuilding w/ pushing focus (ring push ups / Strict pull ups)
Tuesday - Lower body bodybuilding (B.S.S., Cossack squats)/ light weightlifting
Wednesday - Abdominals w/ a static focus
Thursday - Upper body bodybuilding w/ pulling focus
Friday - Hinging assistance exercises (RDLs, good mornings, SLDL)
So here's my train of thought...It's been a while since I've seen a ton of progress with front squats, so I decided to try and piece together a cycle with a core focus on them. For that reason we're going to chill a bit on the back squats and do some high volume exercises to save the intensity for Friday each week (front squat day). Also, we didn't see much for bench press PRs from the last cycle, so I'm adding an extra day of them in the form of floor press. Between that and the extra pressing volume I'm hoping people can crack some milestones in the next 6 weeks.
As far as the arrangement of the strength training through the week, I moved bench press to Thursday and put the heavy front squats on Friday so that there's a day between them and Wednesday's deadlifts. Just trying to think of your back :)
Where's the Olympic lifts??
We already have back squats, deadlifts, and heavy front squats in this cycle, which can all add up to some serious tonnage totals by the end of each week...meaning they didn't make the cut for now except for light lifts on Monday's after back squats. However, that just leaves me room to add them regularly into the conditioning! So don't worry, you won't be missing snatches
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Never miss a Monday
A) Back Squat
5 x 6 @ 50%
* 5 second negative each rep
B) Weightlifting
High hang snatch
20 reps empty bar, then...
Build to HAP
C) Conditioning
- 9 Burpees
- 15 DB Clean & jerks (45/30)
- 21 American Swings (53/35)
5 x 6 @ 50%
* 5 second negative each rep
B) Weightlifting
High hang snatch
20 reps empty bar, then...
Build to HAP
C) Conditioning
- 9 Burpees
- 15 DB Clean & jerks (45/30)
- 21 American Swings (53/35)
Sunday Funday
- 10 Power Cleans (205/145)
- 20 T2B
EMOM 3 Burpees
- 20 Box Jumps
- 10 Front Squats (185/135)
EMOM 3 Burpees
- 10 Push Jerks (155/105)
- 30 Wall ball cleans
EMOM 3 Burpees
Sunday StayFit
A) Warm up
Tabata Mash up
- Air squats
- lunges
- mountain climbers
B) EMOM 14
- 10 Jingle Jangles
- 5 Burpees/ 10 Ab mat sit ups
C) For time:
- 20 weighted step ups
- 1 Prowler push
- 20 weighted ups
- 20 ring rows
- 20 weighted step ups
- 30 Sit Ups
- 20 weighted step ups
- 40 push press
- 20 weighted step ups
- 50 ft bear crawls
Tabata Mash up
- Air squats
- lunges
- mountain climbers
B) EMOM 14
- 10 Jingle Jangles
- 5 Burpees/ 10 Ab mat sit ups
C) For time:
- 20 weighted step ups
- 1 Prowler push
- 20 weighted ups
- 20 ring rows
- 20 weighted step ups
- 30 Sit Ups
- 20 weighted step ups
- 40 push press
- 20 weighted step ups
- 50 ft bear crawls
Thursday, August 9, 2018
A) Front Squats
5 x 5 @ 70%
B) Weightlifting
Power clean + clean
C) Conditioning
30 - 20 - 10
- DB snatch (50/35)
- DB OHS (50/35)
5 x 5 @ 70%
B) Weightlifting
Power clean + clean
C) Conditioning
30 - 20 - 10
- DB snatch (50/35)
- DB OHS (50/35)
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
A) Bench Press
5 x 5 @ 70%
B) In 15 min build to HAP for:
- 3 front squats + 1 thruster
*Use a rack
C) Conditioning
For time:
Run 1 mile
5 x 5 @ 70%
B) In 15 min build to HAP for:
- 3 front squats + 1 thruster
*Use a rack
C) Conditioning
For time:
Run 1 mile
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
A) Deadlifts
5 x 5 @ 70%
B) Abdominals
20 - 15 - 10 - 15 - 20
- T2R
- Russian Twists (53/35)
- Side Bends (53/35)
C) Conditioning:
Min 1: 10 SDHP (75/55) + max burpees for remainder of minute
Min 2: 10 Hang power cleans (75/55) + max burpees for remainder of minute
Min 3: 10 Hang power snatch (75/55) + max burpees for remainder of minute
Min 4: Rest full minute
5 x 5 @ 70%
B) Abdominals
20 - 15 - 10 - 15 - 20
- T2R
- Russian Twists (53/35)
- Side Bends (53/35)
C) Conditioning:
Min 1: 10 SDHP (75/55) + max burpees for remainder of minute
Min 2: 10 Hang power cleans (75/55) + max burpees for remainder of minute
Min 3: 10 Hang power snatch (75/55) + max burpees for remainder of minute
Min 4: Rest full minute
Monday, August 6, 2018
A) EMOM 10
- 1 Strict Press
- 2 Push Press
- 3 Push Jerks
*Build to current strict press 1 RM
B) Prowler Push / Pull
Accumulate 500ft HAP
C) Conditioning
- 20 Ab mat sit ups
- 20 DB Push Jerks (45/30)
- 20 Box Jumps
- 1 Strict Press
- 2 Push Press
- 3 Push Jerks
*Build to current strict press 1 RM
B) Prowler Push / Pull
Accumulate 500ft HAP
C) Conditioning
- 20 Ab mat sit ups
- 20 DB Push Jerks (45/30)
- 20 Box Jumps
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Never miss a Monday
A) Back Squats
5 x 5 @ 70%
B) Accessory work
3 x 10 of:
- Weighted bird dippers (each leg)
- Weighted good mornings
C) Conditioning:
21 - 15 - 9
- Power Snatches (135/95)
- Bar muscle ups
5 x 5 @ 70%
B) Accessory work
3 x 10 of:
- Weighted bird dippers (each leg)
- Weighted good mornings
C) Conditioning:
21 - 15 - 9
- Power Snatches (135/95)
- Bar muscle ups
Sunday Funday - 11am
- Partner WOD -
2 Rounds:
- 150 Double Unders
- 30 Squat Snatches (75/55)
2 Rounds:
- 40 Deadlifts (165/115)
- 10 Renegade Manmakers (45/30)
2 Rounds:
- 30 DB Box Step Ups (45/30)
- 100 Air Squats
2 Rounds:
- 150 Double Unders
- 30 Squat Snatches (75/55)
2 Rounds:
- 40 Deadlifts (165/115)
- 10 Renegade Manmakers (45/30)
2 Rounds:
- 30 DB Box Step Ups (45/30)
- 100 Air Squats
Sunday StayFit
A) EMOM 10
- 5 Jingle jangles
- 5 American Swings
- 5 Jingle Jangles
- 5 Burpees
- 5 Jingle jangles
- 5 Sit Ups
- 5 jingle jangles
- 10 Air squats
B) Fight gone bad style
1 min at each station for 5 rounds
- Wall balls
- Box step ups
- DB Power cleans
- Battle Ropes
- Assault Bike cals
- 1 min rest
- 5 Jingle jangles
- 5 American Swings
- 5 Jingle Jangles
- 5 Burpees
- 5 Jingle jangles
- 5 Sit Ups
- 5 jingle jangles
- 10 Air squats
B) Fight gone bad style
1 min at each station for 5 rounds
- Wall balls
- Box step ups
- DB Power cleans
- Battle Ropes
- Assault Bike cals
- 1 min rest
Friday, August 3, 2018
30 min to finish:
3 Rounds of...
- 30 T2B
- 30 Hang Power cleans (135/95)
- 30 Wall Balls
600m Run (together)
2 Rounds of...
- 30 T2B
- 30 Hang Power cleans (155/105)
- 30 Wall Balls
600m Run
1 round of:
- 30 T2B
- 30 Hang Power cleans (175/125)
- 30 Wall Balls
30 min to finish:
3 Rounds of...
- 30 T2B
- 30 Hang Power cleans (135/95)
- 30 Wall Balls
600m Run (together)
2 Rounds of...
- 30 T2B
- 30 Hang Power cleans (155/105)
- 30 Wall Balls
600m Run
1 round of:
- 30 T2B
- 30 Hang Power cleans (175/125)
- 30 Wall Balls
A) Bench Press
Find 1 RM, then...
3 x 2 @ 80%
B) 3 x 10 supersets of each:
- ring push ups / tricep pull overs
- Bulgarian Split squats/ Cossack squats
C) Conditioning
- 5 DB power cleans (45/30)
- 10 Air squats
- 200ft run
Find 1 RM, then...
3 x 2 @ 80%
B) 3 x 10 supersets of each:
- ring push ups / tricep pull overs
- Bulgarian Split squats/ Cossack squats
C) Conditioning
- 5 DB power cleans (45/30)
- 10 Air squats
- 200ft run
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
A) Front rack barbell lunges
- 50ft HAP
B) Weightlifting
Tempo snatch + low hang + power snatch
C) Conditioning
- 3 Strict Pull Ups
- 5 DB Thrusters (45/30)
- 30 Double unders
- 50ft HAP
B) Weightlifting
Tempo snatch + low hang + power snatch
C) Conditioning
- 3 Strict Pull Ups
- 5 DB Thrusters (45/30)
- 30 Double unders
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