Sunday, November 5, 2017


A) Pause Back Squats

5 x 3 @ 75%

B) Power Clean and Jerks

5 x 3 Building

C) Conditioning:

3 Rounds for Time:

- 20 American Swings (53/35)
- 15 OHS (95/65)
- 200ft Goblet Carry (53/35)


A) For the pause squats, lets continue focusing on speed out of the hole (bottom of the squat). If you find yourself having any sticking points on the way up, consider lightening up the load a bit to focus on keeping the bar moving quickly. As we ease into the bigger percentages next week, lets teach our bodies to move powerfully under weight, and really driving on the way up.

B) Power clean and power jerk, specifically. Some key queues to keep in mind when making our lifts: get tall as possible in the clean, and use a strong shelf for your power jerks.

Work up to a heavy set of 3 for the day...not necessarily a 3 RM. There should be plenty left in the tank if needed.

Scaling this WOD - If one RX'd round of this workout takes you more than 4 min, you may want to consider scaling this WOD. In order to achieve this workouts focus and intent, you should be able to finish this under 12 min (at the most). Maybe that means scaling weight, maybe it means scaling reps. Talk with your coach to find the appropriate scaling option for you! ; )

Alternate Movements - If any of the movements are just not going to work for you due to an injury/mobility issues, etc, maybe try out one of these other alternate movements.

American Swings - Russian Swings
OHS - Front or Goblet Squats
Goblet Carry - Farmer's Carry

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