Tuesday, November 28, 2017


A) Sumo Deadlift

4 x 6 @ 60%

B) Weightlifting:

Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks

Heavy Single

C) Conditioning:

4 Rounds for Time

- 50 Double Unders
- 15 Burpees
- 25 Wall Balls


A) Sumo Deadlifts

Also, when pulling the bar, focus on pushing your knees out and leading with your upper back. (We will not be  using the bands like Mark Bell did in the video).

B) The purpose behind this clean & Jerk complex is to fatigue our back and legs, then have us perform 2 jerks. So - this could be related to jerking on tired legs after receiving a clean in a terrible position and frying our bodies before the jerk.

C) Conditioning:

Grind. Grind. Grind. Head down - eyes forward, and attack this beast. These sets are small enough to where you're going to be tempted to go unbroken - but your lungs WILL catch up to you by the 3rd round. Do what you can on the double unders - cruise control on the burpees, and sets you KNOW you can manage on the wall balls.

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