Wednesday, November 15, 2017


A) Floor Press

5 x 2 @ 90%

B) Dead-stop Cleans

5 x 3 @ 70% ish

C) Conditioning:


Wall Balls


Box Jumps


A) These are heavy. Between each rep make sure we're taking a deep breath and exploding off the floor. Remember to pause briefly at the bottom of each rep when our elbows reach the floor.

B) Dead-stop cleans: Starts from the floor. Pull the bar about halfway up the shin, then come to a complete stop very momentarily. Then begin pull again and do clean as normal. Yes, absolutely these are squat cleans.

C) Pretty simple workout in explanation. Lets use this WOD as a tool to increase our mental fortitude. Success in this workout will come largely from your ability to stay calm when your legs will inevitably begin screaming at you.

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