Wednesday, November 8, 2017


A) Floor Press

5 x 3 @ 85%

B) Low Hang Cleans

5 x 2

C) Conditioning:

Every 2 min for.....?????

-4 Renegade Manmakers (45/30)

2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20....Jingle Jangles


A) This will be the last week of floor press, next week will be regular bench press. You'll find out why once you work up to 85% for 3. Remember that our elbows should come to a complete rest on the floor before we explode back up.

B) Low hang cleans - please watch the video for a demonstration at bottom of post. These do put a lot of tension on the back, and we just did deadlifts, so lets stay light here. If we can't move perfect with an empty, then we'll never be able to do it when the weight is light. Once you find that working weight, do 5 sets of 2 reps.

C) So how this the start of the clock you have 2 min to complete 4 RMM and run 2 jingle jangles. That's round 1. At the start of round 2 you do 4 RMM, and then 4 jingles jangles. You add 2 jingle jangles every round and go till you can no longer complete the amount of jingle jangles required for that round. Time cap will be end of class.

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