A) Deadlifts
5 x 3 @ 80%
B) Power Jerks
-From a rack
5 x 3 Building
C) Conditioning:
- 12 Pistol Squats
- 10 1/2 Get Ups (53/35)
- 30 Double Unders
A) This week we're going to take away the deficit as the intensity increases (weights get heavier). However, these should be done as DEADlifts. As in the bar should come to a dead stop each rep at the floor. No touch and go reps.
B) Not split jerks, but POWER jerks. Or maybe you prefer the term push jerk. Same movement. Start at about 50% of your 1 rep max, and add a bit of weight each set. The goal isn't to work as heavy as possible, but rather to a weight that is heavy - but you should be very confident that you can complete the lift with proper positions and movement patterns.
C) This AMRAP 12 is going to be all about finesse...test your balance and flexibility with the pistols, your coordination and core strength with the 1/2 get ups, and then agility and cardio with the double unders.
Scaling the WOD:
If you scale this WOD, it's not because of lack of strength or conditioning, but because you just have a hard time with the complexity of these movements. Here's a good scaling option for those that need to simplify the movements. Or you could just pick to scale one of the movements and not all. Whatever works best for you.
- 30 Air Squats
- 10 1/4 get ups
- 60 Single Unders
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