A) Back Squats
5 x 1 @ 90-95%
B) Superset of...
- Strict Chin Ups
- Strict Dips
4 x 10
C) Conditioning:
- 30 Double Unders
- 15 Power Snatches (75/55)
A) This is NOT a max out day. Instead, let's just hit some smooth singles and think about moving the bar quickly. If you find yourself not feeling particularly strong at this percentage, then don't go that heavy. Instead, do your as heavy of singles as you can while still being able to squat up as quickly as you can when feeling good.
B) CHIN UPS, not pull ups. This means our palms are facing us when we grab the bar. This is a superset. Rest about 2 min between each set. If needed, scale to a point to where you absolutely NEED that 2 min of rest. I noticed last week during the supersets that some people finished them wayyyyyy too quick. Which tells me there might not have been enough work being done. If you don't feel like you need 2 min of rest after each set, talk to me. We'll figure out something good for you!
C) Anddddddd Open prep continues with Open workout "11.1". Hell yeah. We've done this workout several times. Many of you are going to have previous scores (those who participated in the Open in either 2011, or 2013, will still be able to find their score online) that you should look up so you have something to compare yourself to.
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