A) Wide Grip Bench Press
5 x 5 65%
B) Prison Rules
2 Power Cleans & 1 Power Jerk
C) Conditioning:
3 Rounds for Time
- 21 Thrusters (95/65)
- 15 T2B
- 9 Burpees
A) Wide grip means bringing your grip out AT LEAST one fist length wider on each side. The purpose of these vs regular bench is that this targets your chest a lot more, and decreases your tricep stimulation. Usually peope can't go quite as heavy with these.
B) Every :15 for 7 min. Yeahhhhhh buddy. No squats.
C) This is to be short and intense. Strive for unbroken thrusters. Regardless, this should be a sprint. I'm thinking this should be done in around 10 min.
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