Thursday, December 14, 2017


A) Hip Bridges

5 x 10 HAP

* Add 10# from last week

B) Yoke Carries!!!

50ft x 5 @ ~ 80-90% of Back Squat

C) Conditioning:

500m row x 3


A) I know you've missed these since last week...remember to give the cheeks a good 3 sec squeeze at the top of each rep!

B), I know we don't actually own any yokes, BUT!!!, we can use barbells instead and it should work just fine. We're going to set up a couple of squat racks at either end of the turf and share those.

Bracing is super super super key on these. If you attempt to carry a heavy load on your back without being properly braced at the mid section, you will not enjoy these.

Please check out this video for some key points during this movement.

C) Some good ol' fashioned rowing intervals!! I want your first 500m to be an all-out time trial. There should be nothing left once you reach the end. Rest as much as need for a full recovery, then hit it again twice more.

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