A) Push Press
5 x 5 @ 65%
B) Prison Rules
(every :15 for 7 min)
- 2 Power Snatches (115/80)
C) Conditioning
- 20 Single Hand Kettle Bell Overhead Lunges (53/35)
- 50 Russian Swings (53/35)
A) We haven't tested our push press in a while, so there may be some of you who don't know your PR (or 100%). If you have absolutely no idea what your PR is, then take your STRICT PRESS PR and multiply it by ~1.4 - that should give you a rough estimate of what your push press might be. Then take 65% of that.
B) I want everyone to do a little mental preparation for this...if you've never done "Prison Rules" before, you'll learn that it's an experience that you won't forget. If you break it down, you have 28 rounds of whatever the prescribed work is in a 7 min window. Talk about intensity. In this case, the prescribed work is 2 moderately light power snatches.
C) Whether you like it or not, you're committed to a kettle bell for a minimum of 18 of today's consecutive minutes. Many people's limiting factor will be grip endurance. When gripping the kettle bell, use your whole hand...not just your finger tips. It'll pay dividends towards the last half of this workout. When holding the kettle bell overhead for the lunges, treat it just like a barbell. Keep the balance of the weight behind your head, and maintain a strong lockout at the elbow. Your shoulders will appreciate it.