Sunday, November 11, 2018

New cycle spread - GPP in nature

Monday - MSW - Back squat - WOD

Tuesday - WU - Clean & jerk EMOM - WOD

Wednesday -MSW - Deadlift - WOD 

Thursday - Front squat - Snatch EMOM - Light WOD

Friday - Push press - Long WOD

Saturday - Partner WOD

Sunday - Partner WOD

*MSW = Movement specific warm up 
*WU = Warm up

Back squat - Deadlift - Front squat - Push Press (Progression)

- 5 x 5 @ 70%
- 5 x 4 @ 75%
- 3 x 3 @ 80 - 85%
- 3 x 2 @ 85 - 90%
- 5 x 1 @ 90%+

Clean & jerk - (Progression)

W1 - 2 P. cleans, 2 FS, 2 Jerks (start @ 70%) Every :90 for 10 rounds 
W2 - 1 S. clean, 1 HSC, 1 FS, 2 Jerks (start @ 70%)
W3 - 2 S. cleans, 2 Jerks (start @ 75%)
W4 - 1 P. clean, 1 HSC, 1 Jerk (start @ 80%)
W5 - 1RM

Snatch Progression

W1 - 2 Sn. dead, 1 P. sn, 1 OHS
W2 - 1 Sn. dead, 2 P. sn, 1 OHS
W3 - 1 P. sn, 2 HSS, 
W4 - 1 SS., 1 HSS
W5 - 1 RM SS

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Skills & drills 10am

2 Skills to work on:

Double unders

- Advanced: flight simulator
- Intermediate: Find biggest unbroken set possible
- Beginner: Practice getting them

Handstand walks

- Advanced: 5 rounds of:
--- 10ft HS walk
--- :20 HS hold against wall
--- 5 HSPU

- Intermediate: Find max length unbroken
- Beginner: 5 rounds of:
--- 2 Wall walks
--- :30 HS hold
--- Wall walk to bottom

Sunday Funday 11am

- Partner WOD -

4 Rounds for time:

- 50 Partner wall ball sit ups
- 40 Partner wall ball squat toss over the barbell
- 30 Synchro burpees
- 20 Partner barbell lunges (95/65)
- 100ft partner leap frog

Sunday StayFit 9am

A) Tabata stations

- Battle ropes
- Jump squats
- Ab mat sit ups
- Burpees

B) AMRAP 20 - Partner -

- 200ft Prowler push
- 30 cals rower
- 200ft Prowler push
- 30 Ring rows
- 200ft Prowler push
- 30 DB clean & jerks

Friday, November 2, 2018


- Partner WOD - 

On a 40:00 min clock:

"Annie Up"

100 - 80 - 60 - 40 - 20 - 10
- Double unders

30 - 24 - 18 - 12 - 6
- T2B

Then, till 35 min on clock pick your poison to finish the workout with in the remaining time:

Option 1:

Double Grace

60 clean & jerks (135/95)

Option 2:

Fat Randy

100 power snatches (95/65)

Option 3:


21 - 15 - 9 (each)

Pull ups
Thrusters (95/65)

Option 4:


5 Rounds fot time:

- 12 Deadlifts 
- 9 Hang power cleans
- 6 SH2OH

Option 5:
Jump over Diane

21 - 15 - 9

- Deadlifts (225/155)
- Burpee box overs

Then, from 35 min to 40:

Max rep wall balls 

Thursday, November 1, 2018


A) Bench Press

5 x 3 @ 70%

B) Goblet carries

Accumulate 1000ft HAP

C) Conditioning


Min 1: 3 Rope climbs
Min 2:10 Power cleans (95/65)
Min 3: 150m Row
Min 4: 6 Weighted box step overs (45/30)